Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Do You Miss The “Good Old Days?”

Our fathers claim old days were simple but pleasing, old times were way more enjoyable than
contemporary ones, and people were more social than we are. Our fathers, and many of my
existing brothers and sisters, believe education has shattered our societies. Primitive men living in a cave celebrated their life constrained to the dark walls of the cave. We are not caveman. NASA astronauts step on the moon while talking to their treatments in the United States. According to the European Commission, 56% of the people in the world are either bilingual or multilingual. The key for the success of the 7.6 billion people living with tolerance on Earth is education.                (Marian,V &Shock,A. 2012)
Education for many people it’s one of their biggest nightmares. At first you may not think anything of it. You’ll just keep going about your business day in and day out, month in and month out, year in and year out. And little by little it creeps up on you. But at the same time something very unusual and satisfying is taking place. And as strange as it also seems we tend to pass this on to our loved ones, sometimes without even realizing it. How do you know it’s happening to you? Well, you’ll know when you start thinking and speaking about it more often as time goes on. I’m really talking about two things here. One, how you see life currently going on around you. And two, how you used to see life going on around you in the past. The first is the apparent nightmare. The second is the apparent better way of life. What I’m referring to is the “good old days” mindset. I’m sure you’ve had it at some point in time. Most people have. I have as well. Then something came  along which not only changed the way I saw things, but also how life is designed to work. But before realizing what this is,it’s important to ask yourself.         
   Do you miss the good old days?

Reference: Marian, V and Shook, A. (2012). The Cognitive Benefits of being Bilingual.

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