• Google Drive

Google Drive:

  1. is a free data storage service
  2. can be used to store important files, documents, pictures .... 
  3. uses cloud computing technology, which means that our precious data is stored on one of Google’s servers 
  4. can be accessed from anywhere we may be.

  • Google Forms:                      
   Google Forms is: 

  1. a part of Google's online apps suite of tools 
  2. to help you get more done in your browser for free
  3.  easy to use 
  4.  one of the simplest ways to save data directly to a spreadsheet

  • Google Slides:
Google Slides:
  1. It is a presentation tool that allows you to make both online and offline presentations. 
  2. It is free, so that makes it an ideal tool for anyone on a tight budget. 
  3. It won't strain your budget ( if you're a small business owner or a student struggling to make ends meet). 
  4. A strength of it is the ability to collaborate. 

  • Google Docs:

    Google Docs:

    1. is a free Web-based application in which documents and spreadsheets can be created, edited and stored online. 
    2. is a part of a comprehensive package of online applications offered by and associated with Google. 
    3. is compatible with most presentation software and word processor applications. 
    4. is ideal for publishing within an enterprise, maintaining blogs or composing work for viewing by the general public. 

    • WebQuest:

         A WebQuest is distinguished by four characteristics:
    1. It is classroom-based.
    2. It emphasizes higher-order thinking (such as analysiscreativity, or criticism) rather than just acquiring information.
    3. The teacher pre-selects the sources, emphasizing information use rather than information gathering. 
    4. It is group work with the task frequently being split into roles.
    A WebQuest has 5 parts:
    1.  introduction
    2. task
    3.  process
    4.  resources
    5.  evaluation
    6.  conclusion.

    • PuchaKucha:

    pucha kucha:
    1. It is pronounced "pech-a-kee-shoe" with the stress remaining equal on all four syllables.
    2. It is a presentation software form. 
    3. Each presentation has 20 slides.
    4. Its slides progress automatically.
    5. The format works best when the presenter picks a main idea, writes a script for his presentation that supports that main idea and then breaks the script into twenty "scenes" that become slides.

    • Quizlet:
    1. promotes students’ desire to learn a fun and effective new study strategy
    2. Illuminates the advantages of active learning versus passive studying.
    3. Contains

                                   Play Scatter
                              Play Space Race

    • Webinar:
    Benifits of Webinars:

    1. Direct contact with your target group.
    2. Reach your target group both live and afterwards
    3. Interaction with your target group
    4. Webinars save time and money

    • Padlet:

    1. All of the students have to take part, rather than just the most confident or quickest learners.
    2. The teacher can assess the students’ work much more easily
    3. Teachers can also see errors and take note of any interesting/useful/higher level vocabulary to highlight more easily
    4. Having a complete record of the vocabulary

    • Rubistar:
    1.  Allow teachers to create free and simple rubrics for various classroom projects.
    2. Providing a rubric to students before they complete a project or assessment is important.

    • VCTS:
    1. is a project that combine all the activities and apps such as Microsoft powerpoint, Microsoft word, ActivInspire, Google forms, slides... 
    2.  help teacher in creating interesting lessons 

    • ActivInspire

    ACTIVINSPIRE is software designed to help teachers create interesting lessons on interactive whiteboards

    1 comment:

    1. It was the most interesting course that I have learned a lot of new things that will help me in future!
